Patients' Association of Canada

Hospitals Turning to Social Media to Improve the Patient Experience

Healthy Debate -- 'Hospitals are inherently conservative institutions and, as such, have been relative latecomers to adopt social media... As they enter the social media fray, hospitals face a host of challenges and decisions.

The Agenda with Steve Paikin: More or Less Medicine?

Are patients over treated and over-prescribed in modern health care? Patients' Association President Sholom Glouberman featured in the second of two programs looking at the modern realities of medicine. Watch now!

A Belgian Study on Patient Involvement

Patient engagement in health care appears to be entering a new phase. The question for many providers and researchers is now, “How can we best help patients become more active participants in health care?”

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Cuba Si! A Different Model of Healthcare

Last week there was an article in the New England Journal of Medicine that stated admiration for the Cuban healthcare system -  A Different Model –Medical Care in Cuba. This is a noteworthy event for many reasons.

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Tonight: Patient Feedback Needed on Physicians in Social Media

A draft of a new guidance document titled, Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Social Media by Physicians, has been approved for external consultation by the College of Physicians and Surgeons’ governing Council. This guidance document provides advice to physicians on how existing professional and legal expectations apply to their use of social media.

Personal Health Navigator: Emily Nicholas Weighs In

Patients' Association Board Member Emily Nicholas weighs in on her experience with hip replacement surgery, prescription pills, and who's responsible for helping patients understand pain management.

Toward a Better Patient Experience - January 17th Open Meeting

Check out a new video series titled 'Open Meetings: Exploring the Patient Perspective.' Watch the first video: 'Key Performance Indicators for Patient Centred Care | Open Meeting: January 17, 2013'

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