
Northumberland Partners Advancing Transitions in Healthcare (PATH)

This project is a two-year $3-million dollar effort to improve the healthcare experience of seniors with chronic conditions in Northumberland County. Patients Canada is among a coalition of providers, patients and family caregivers who are identifying issues that need to be addressed in order to redesign services that will enhance patients’ experiences and how we move through the healthcare system. As one of the partners, our role is to ensure that the patient perspective is well-represented and maintained throughout the project.

The Agenda with Steve Paikin: More or Less Medicine?

Are patients over treated and over-prescribed in modern health care? Patients' Association President Sholom Glouberman featured in the second of two programs looking at the modern realities of medicine. Watch now!

Tonight: Patient Feedback Needed on Physicians in Social Media

A draft of a new guidance document titled, Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Social Media by Physicians, has been approved for external consultation by the College of Physicians and Surgeons’ governing Council. This guidance document provides advice to physicians on how existing professional and legal expectations apply to their use of social media.

Release: Nominate your Physician for Sarnia's Patients' Choice Awards

SARNIA – If you believe your physician is committed to providing great patient care, submit a nomination about him or her for the Patients’ Choice Awards. Sponsored by Bluewater Health, the Patients’ Association of Canada and the Ontario Medical Association, the Patients’ Choice Awards recognize physicians who have specifically been nominated by patients for the care that they have provided. The awards are open to all family physicians and specialists in Sarnia-Lambton.

See the full release below.

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Release - PAC helps Ontario's board members adopt the patient perspective

Project funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation

TORONTO/Dec. 5, 2011 - The Patients' Association of Canada (PAC) is bringing the patient perspective to the governance level in Ontario’s healthcare boards. The association was recently awarded a $92,500 grant from The Ontario Trillium Foundation for a project titled ‘Enhancing the Patient Voice in Ontario’s Health Care Boards’ which will bring together board members and PAC volunteers for the common goal of strengthening the patient perspective in board deliberations...