patient perspective

Patient and Family Adviser: Second Conference

Over the past few years, more and more organizations have been welcoming Patient and Family Advisers (PFAs) into their organizations to sit on committees and help to advise elements of service delivery and care. On April 3rd of this year, Patients Canada held our first conference for PFAs. With our goal of increasing the patient and family voice in healthcare, we were excited to have PFAs from across Canada in one room where they could discuss their experiences as advisers, and see what they could learn from each other. Around 50 people showed up, and dozens of topics were discussed.

Northumberland Partners Advancing Transitions in Healthcare (PATH)

This project is a two-year $3-million dollar effort to improve the healthcare experience of seniors with chronic conditions in Northumberland County. Patients Canada is among a coalition of providers, patients and family caregivers who are identifying issues that need to be addressed in order to redesign services that will enhance patients’ experiences and how we move through the healthcare system. As one of the partners, our role is to ensure that the patient perspective is well-represented and maintained throughout the project.

Exceeding Patient Expectations

Most healthcare systems are working hard to exceed their patients’ expectations and understand that the long term benefits to the patient and organization are manifold. Click here to read which strategic objectives can lead to a state-of-the-art service model, and better healthcare experiences overall.

A Patients' Journey: The Missing Vital Sign

The paediatric bone marrow transplant team entered my 10 month old son’s isolation room for a second time one morning. It was supposed to be Anderson’s “day of rest” between chemotherapy and his transplant. As a physician, I knew something was wrong—busy doctors do not do rounds twice... Find the full article here.

HealthyDebate: Emotional care in a Technology-driven health System

Mounting concern that health professional/patient interactions are often less than therapeutic has led to many initiatives aimed at finding ways to put the care back into the health care system. In Canada, one such initiative is the creation of the Patient Experience department of Alberta Health Services. Find the full article here.

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To Err is Human: What Every Patient Should Know About Medical Errors

On Saturday, April 13th, the Patients' Association and Oakley & Oakley hosted To Err is Human: What Every Patient Should Know About Medical Errors. The purpose of the conference was to shed light on the nature of medical error in Canada, and many participants left feeling like they had gained a lot of information. We were lucky to have the expertise and perspective of speakers from many backgrounds including malpractice law, medical science, and risk management. Many of the speakers were happy to share their presentations; please find them attached below.

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