patient safety

Join a Hand Hygiene Working Group

hand hygiene, patient safety, hand sanitizer, hospital-acquired infection

WANTED: Patient & Family Advisors for a Hand Hygiene Working Group at Toronto's St. Joseph's Health Centre to help shape current and future hand hygiene practices, improvements and initiatives.

St. Joseph's is looking for people to participate in regular evaluation of the program’s activities and outcomes, make recommendations, and offer input – all from a patient/family perspective. To apply, you must be 18 and older and have had experience with its services over the last two years, either as a patient, family member or caregiver.

To Err is Human: What Every Patient Should Know About Medical Errors

On Saturday, April 13th, the Patients' Association and Oakley & Oakley hosted To Err is Human: What Every Patient Should Know About Medical Errors. The purpose of the conference was to shed light on the nature of medical error in Canada, and many participants left feeling like they had gained a lot of information. We were lucky to have the expertise and perspective of speakers from many backgrounds including malpractice law, medical science, and risk management. Many of the speakers were happy to share their presentations; please find them attached below.

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