patient experience

Exceeding Patient Expectations

Most healthcare systems are working hard to exceed their patients’ expectations and understand that the long term benefits to the patient and organization are manifold. Click here to read which strategic objectives can lead to a state-of-the-art service model, and better healthcare experiences overall.

HealthyDebate: Emotional care in a Technology-driven health System

Mounting concern that health professional/patient interactions are often less than therapeutic has led to many initiatives aimed at finding ways to put the care back into the health care system. In Canada, one such initiative is the creation of the Patient Experience department of Alberta Health Services. Find the full article here.

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Top Reads of the Week

We're back with another edition of 'Top Reads of the Week'! When promoting content, we look to material that not only interests patients and their families, but to material that sheds light on the importance of the patient perspective. Please contact us and share what you think is especially fascinating, innovative, or reflective of the changes that you want to see in our healthcare system.

More Practical Wisdom Tools for a Better Patient Experience

Several months ago, we introduced you to some of Alberta Health Services' (AHS) Practical Wisdom Tools on our blog. Recently, AHS got in touch to show us 9 new Practical Wisdom Tools on topics like Sharing your Healthcare Story and Emotional Care Pathways. These tools are all endorsed by the Patients' Association of Canada as practical ways to make for better healthcare experiences, and they are attached to this blog post.

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Hospitals Turning to Social Media to Improve the Patient Experience

Healthy Debate -- 'Hospitals are inherently conservative institutions and, as such, have been relative latecomers to adopt social media... As they enter the social media fray, hospitals face a host of challenges and decisions.

Ipsos Reid Checks into Canadian Views of Healthcare System

Ipsos Reid interviewed a sample of 1,000 Canadians aged 18-64 for the purpose of understanding perceptions and experiences with the healthcare system. Four categories were analyzed: Ease of Access and Patient Experience, Care and Compassion, Coordination and Communication, and Efficiency of Time and Money.

Here are of what we believe to be significant points: