key performance indicators

Ipsos Reid Checks into Canadian Views of Healthcare System

Ipsos Reid interviewed a sample of 1,000 Canadians aged 18-64 for the purpose of understanding perceptions and experiences with the healthcare system. Four categories were analyzed: Ease of Access and Patient Experience, Care and Compassion, Coordination and Communication, and Efficiency of Time and Money.

Here are of what we believe to be significant points:

A Belgian Study on Patient Involvement

Patient engagement in health care appears to be entering a new phase. The question for many providers and researchers is now, “How can we best help patients become more active participants in health care?”

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Toward a Better Patient Experience - January 17th Open Meeting

Check out a new video series titled 'Open Meetings: Exploring the Patient Perspective.' Watch the first video: 'Key Performance Indicators for Patient Centred Care | Open Meeting: January 17, 2013'

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Make Your Experience Count - A Message from Sholom Glouberman

The Patients’ Association of Canada is here to make your experience count. Since our inception, we have been gathering patient and family stories about the experiences that you’ve had with the Canadian health care system. These stories have come from Canadians of all walks of life: those with severe medical and mental health problems, caregivers, to prominent health care leaders - both pro-active and frustrated with the current state of our system.

Patients and Family Members Should Be Able to Correct Factual Errors in Medical Records

Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, identify and track goals that are important to an organization. At the Patients’ Association of Canada we are determined to develop such KPIs from a patient and family perspective. These indicators will help us measure the extent to which an organization achieves its goal of being patient and family-centred.

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