Patients' Choice Awards

Sarnia-Lambton Patients' Choice Awards

Is your physician or specialist committed to patient and family-centred care? If you live in the Sarnia-Lambton area, please consider nominating your physician as a meaningful way to recognize their committment to consistently practising patient and family-centred care. The Award will recognize a family and specialty physician who has exemplified exceptional patient care and leadership within the community.

South East Patients' Choice Awards Winners!

For the first time ever patients in the South East Local Health Integration Network have nominated physicians and a critical care team for the Patients’ Choice Award. The Patients’ Choice Award honours health-care professionals who have demonstrated exceptional care within their community.

Patients Choose Two Northwest Doctors to be Awarded for Exceptional Care

Dr. Moir and Dr. Siren, winners of North West Patients' Choice Awards

Thunder Bay, ON, Wednesday December 5, 2012 – For the first time ever residents in Northwestern Ontario were given the opportunity to nominate their physician for a Patients’ Choice Award. The Patients’ Choice Award honours two physicians who have demonstrated exceptional care in the community.

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Sarnia Patients' Choice Awards Winners

The two winners are: Dr. Anil Duggal and Dr. Jaishree Uppal!

Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations. By nominating your doctor, you have made your very positive experiences count.

Photo: OMA's Dr. Mike Toth, Dr. Jaishree Uppal, Dr. Anil Duggal, Emily Nicholas

Make Your Experience Count - A Message from Sholom Glouberman

The Patients’ Association of Canada is here to make your experience count. Since our inception, we have been gathering patient and family stories about the experiences that you’ve had with the Canadian health care system. These stories have come from Canadians of all walks of life: those with severe medical and mental health problems, caregivers, to prominent health care leaders - both pro-active and frustrated with the current state of our system.

Release: Nominate your Physician for Sarnia's Patients' Choice Awards

SARNIA – If you believe your physician is committed to providing great patient care, submit a nomination about him or her for the Patients’ Choice Awards. Sponsored by Bluewater Health, the Patients’ Association of Canada and the Ontario Medical Association, the Patients’ Choice Awards recognize physicians who have specifically been nominated by patients for the care that they have provided. The awards are open to all family physicians and specialists in Sarnia-Lambton.

See the full release below.

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And the Winners are...

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's Patients' Choice Awards. We received more than 30 thoughtful nominations from patients around Ottawa and we awarded two very deserving physicians.

The winners are Dr. Evelyn Honsl and Dr. Robin Boushey.

We look forward to bringing the initiative to your community!

The PAIRO Awards

May 7, 2012 - The Professional Association of Internes and Residents of Ontario (PAIRO)held its awards dinner on Friday night. They gave awards to individuals and programs for teaching and for being especially sensitive to the needs of doctors in training. This was the first time that patients were represented on the PAIRO jury so it was a big step for PAIRO and also for the Patients’ Association of Canada.

The jury process was pretty much the same as PAC’s process for the Patients’ Choice Awards. There were numerous letters of nomination that had to be read and discussed. All the nominations came from medical trainees, and the quality of the nominating letters was the most critical part of deciding who would win. Because there were many outstanding nominees, the jury debated long and hard to decide on the winners.

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