Sudbury Star: Elderly healthcare needs Shifting

The only way to fix the problems plaguing Canada's health-care system is to involve patients in that change, says the president of the Patients' Association of Canada.

When the Canada Health Act was passed in 1984, Canadians were dying of acute and infectious diseases. Today, we die of chronic illnesses, which we can live with for years, says Sholom Glouberman. Find the full article here.

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CMAJ: Drug reporting to be Mandatory for Doctors

2013 Thinkstock

Catherine Cross -- The federal government is considering making adverse drug reaction reporting mandatory for doctors and other health care providers, says Health Canada.

Health Canada is concerned that adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are underreported. The Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology estimates that only 5% of suspected ADRs are reported... Every year, drug distributors submit a summary of all ADR reports to Health Canada, stating whether the reported ADRs change the drug's risk-to-benefit profile.

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Personal Health Navigator: Emily Nicholas Weighs In

Patients' Association Board Member Emily Nicholas weighs in on her experience with hip replacement surgery, prescription pills, and who's responsible for helping patients understand pain management.

The Change Foundation launches PANORAMA, a Patient Forum

First-hand experience of new healthcare advisory panel embeds patient perspectives & input.

Thirty-two citizens with nothing - and everything - in common have come together in a new engagement panel called PANORAMA to help an independent health policy think tank improve the patient and caregiver experience in Ontario.

Prescription Drug Misuse Meeting in Halifax June 14-15

Friday, June 15, 2012 – Prior to the last six months, I spent a lot of time seeking out groups who were prepared to have patients join them in their discussions. Now, I have increasingly been attending meetings of groups who have, for the very first time, invited a patient representative to join them. They are now seeking out the Patients’ Association of Canada to find patient representatives to join them.

What is very interesting is how much their deliberations change once patients are in the room. They begin to recognize how little input patients have made up until now, and how patients offer a different perspective on the issues these groups face.

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Second Annual Conference Summary: Sholom Glouberman

The second annual conference of the Patients’ Association of Canada (PAC) was a broad-based discussion of how patients could participate in guiding our health care system. There were 19 separate sessions on a wide variety of topics held throughout the day. The notes will be posted on the web site and commentary will be made available. As you read them, you’ll notice that the topics are wide ranging and full of ideas.

Second Annual Conference: Patient Participation in Guiding our Health Care System

PAC's second conference is fast approaching! We have a great group of patients, health care professionals and board members who have registered for the event, and we're looking forward to an exciting day

For those not attending, stay connected via Twitter, #PACconf !

We'll keep you posted on progress, meaningful discussions, and we'll add some photos while we're at it.