patients association of canada

Northumberland Partners Advancing Transitions in Healthcare (PATH)

This project is a two-year $3-million dollar effort to improve the healthcare experience of seniors with chronic conditions in Northumberland County. Patients Canada is among a coalition of providers, patients and family caregivers who are identifying issues that need to be addressed in order to redesign services that will enhance patients’ experiences and how we move through the healthcare system. As one of the partners, our role is to ensure that the patient perspective is well-represented and maintained throughout the project.

CIHR Institute of Aging: Speaking of Aging Tour

This year, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Aging began a multi-stage strategic planning process that will enable it to define its priorities for the next five years (2013–18).

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2nd Annual Conference: Follow-up Meeting

Thanks to everyone who attended PAC’s second annual conference on Patient Participation in Guiding the Health Care System. It was a great day, and we gained some valuable ideas about how patients can help to guide the system. Now the content needs analysis and clarification.

Please join us Thursday, June 28th for a meeting to review notes from the conference.