
Improving Patient Satisfaction with Greeters in Emergency Rooms

The Family and Patient Advisory Council at Sudbury's Health Sciences North have suggested a novel idea toward improving the patient experience in their emergency room. They've likened the idea to having "Wal-Mart greeters" in their emergency room. A staff member from Health Sciences explains the idea for the new role:

“It would be someone who would talk to you and say 'Can I get you a glass of water?' or 'You're cold. Can I get you a blanket? or 'Your situation seems to have worsened. Let me get the nurse, and she'll come and check you.' ”

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Breaking New Ground: PATH Partner Profiles and Promises of Co-design

Northumberland PATH is the first system-wide patient, caregiver, provider co-design partnership of its kind in Ontario. The project's aim: to improve healthcare transitions and experiences for seniors with chronic conditions in the Central East and offer game-changing lessons for our system. Watch the video now!

Hospitals Turning to Social Media to Improve the Patient Experience

Healthy Debate -- 'Hospitals are inherently conservative institutions and, as such, have been relative latecomers to adopt social media... As they enter the social media fray, hospitals face a host of challenges and decisions.

The Agenda with Steve Paikin: More or Less Medicine?

Are patients over treated and over-prescribed in modern health care? Patients' Association President Sholom Glouberman featured in the second of two programs looking at the modern realities of medicine. Watch now!

Why create a community of patient and family advisers?

Across Canada, many health care organizations solicit the input of patient and family advisers. This is a trend that we're excited about as a way to increase the patient voice in health care.

Right now, patient and family advisers function within individual organizations. At the Patients' Association, we see an opportunity for advisers to also engage with a larger, nation-wide community through which they could:

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Ipsos Reid Checks into Canadian Views of Healthcare System

Ipsos Reid interviewed a sample of 1,000 Canadians aged 18-64 for the purpose of understanding perceptions and experiences with the healthcare system. Four categories were analyzed: Ease of Access and Patient Experience, Care and Compassion, Coordination and Communication, and Efficiency of Time and Money.

Here are of what we believe to be significant points: