Christina Spencer's blog

Patients' Association partners in Northumberland PATH Project

COBOURG - The whole province is watching Northumberland Hills Hospital and its partners in the new PATH project, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care The Honourable Deb Matthews told the small gathering in the hospital education centre last week.

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The Change Foundation launches PANORAMA, a Patient Forum

First-hand experience of new healthcare advisory panel embeds patient perspectives & input.

Thirty-two citizens with nothing - and everything - in common have come together in a new engagement panel called PANORAMA to help an independent health policy think tank improve the patient and caregiver experience in Ontario.

Bringing the Patient Voice to Healthcare Technology

The Patients’ Association was invited to participate in the Oct 20-22, 2012 Hacking Health event at the MaRS DD centre.  Based on the “hackathon” model, the event brought together those with ideas for healthcare applications with programmers, designers, medical professionals and many others, to develop working models -- in two days! Our role was to provide patient insights to the teams as mentors and to participate in the judging of the applications.

Many teams had yet to consider how to include patients in the design process; some had yet to even consider including patients. The Patients' Association wants to help solve this problem.

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Physician's perspective on Globe & Mail article 'Here's my Prescription for Reviving Medicare'

Retired Hamilton physician Kevin Greaves provides a thoughtful response to Globe and Mail reporter Jeffrey Simpson's article, Here's my Prescription for Reviving Medicare.

The Role of the Family Doctor in the Health-care Crisis

Make Your Experience Count - A Message from Sholom Glouberman

The Patients’ Association of Canada is here to make your experience count. Since our inception, we have been gathering patient and family stories about the experiences that you’ve had with the Canadian health care system. These stories have come from Canadians of all walks of life: those with severe medical and mental health problems, caregivers, to prominent health care leaders - both pro-active and frustrated with the current state of our system.

Patients and Family Members Should Be Able to Correct Factual Errors in Medical Records

Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, identify and track goals that are important to an organization. At the Patients’ Association of Canada we are determined to develop such KPIs from a patient and family perspective. These indicators will help us measure the extent to which an organization achieves its goal of being patient and family-centred.

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