
Training Staff in Patient (and Family) Centred Care in the 21st Century

March 27, 2012 - I was asked to review a paper called "Person-centered care training in long-term care settings: analysis of trainees' discourse on usefulness and facility of transfer into practice." The paper began by identifying the type of patient-centred care that is being taught in the training programs. It is called “Relationship Based Care” or RBC.

Redesigning Services with Patients and Families

Patient services in health care organizations and hospitals are for the most part developed with patients in mind, but with very little patient participation. In order to incorporate the patient point of view into service design and delivery, we’re working with Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care to redesign the “Day of Moving In.”

2nd Annual Conference

PAC’s second conference on Patient Participation in Guiding our Health Care System is fast approaching!

Join patients, health professionals, managers, and policy makers at the Toronto Reference Library on May 29, 2012 for this event that will model new ways to conduct a public dialogue about health care. Space is limited to 100 participants so sign up quickly. You can register online here.

Taking Action to Prevent Chronic Disease: Recommendations for a Healthier Ontario

March 22, 2012 - From the Patients’ Association of Canada (PAC) we can do little but applaud yesterday’s publication by Cancer Care Ontario and Public Health Ontario of Taking Action to Prevent Chronic Disease: Recommendations for a Healthier Ontario. They have recognized that the great killers today are no longer the acute infectious diseases of yesteryear which were caused by identifiable microorganisms, but the slowly progressing chronic conditions which are affected by social and environmental factors.

A Visit with the Patient and Family Advisory Council at the Kingston General Hospital

March 7, 2012 - PAC’s visit to Kingston last week was a great success. We chose to visit Kingston General Hospital (KGH) because the hospital has dedicated itself to improving the patient experience through patient and family centred care. Members of our governance collaborative had a chance to meet each other and share ideas about how patients can become more active and effective as part of the decision making body in health care organizations.

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