health care

Word Clouds for Patient Experience

Compare all three states: Current, Heaven and Hell

May 11, 2012 - Several weeks ago at a Patients' Association public meeting we asked members to use short phrases to describe their experiences in emergency rooms as they are today, or the current state. We then asked them to think about what the experience would be in an ideal or “heavenly” emergency room and finally we asked them to do the same for “the emergency room from hell.”

We then transcribed their comments and made word clouds to display the frequency of the terms they used. Here are the results. Tell us what you think they mean!

Training Staff in Patient (and Family) Centred Care in the 21st Century

March 27, 2012 - I was asked to review a paper called "Person-centered care training in long-term care settings: analysis of trainees' discourse on usefulness and facility of transfer into practice." The paper began by identifying the type of patient-centred care that is being taught in the training programs. It is called “Relationship Based Care” or RBC.