
More Practical Wisdom Tools for a Better Patient Experience

Several months ago, we introduced you to some of Alberta Health Services' (AHS) Practical Wisdom Tools on our blog. Recently, AHS got in touch to show us 9 new Practical Wisdom Tools on topics like Sharing your Healthcare Story and Emotional Care Pathways. These tools are all endorsed by the Patients' Association of Canada as practical ways to make for better healthcare experiences, and they are attached to this blog post.

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Advanced Care Planning: Some Conversations are Life and Death

The Care-ring Voice Network along with VHA Home Healthcare are offering a free webinar on May 29th from 7:00PM - 8:30PM (EST) on how to start an advance care planning conversation and planning for your loved one's end-of-life wishes. This session is offered in English and is also available by phone. Space is limited so register today! Visit their website here.

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Canadian Primary Health Care Research and Innovation Network

Do you believe research has a key role to play in improving the primary healthcare (PHC) system in Canada? Are you interested in being involved in shaping the path of PHC research in Canada? The Patients’ Association of Canada is participating in a new venture with the Canadian Primary Health Care Research and Innovation Network (CPHCRIN), an emerging research, training and knowledge exchange network in community-based primary health care (CBPHC), to engage patients in the ongoing development of a pan-Canadian CBPHC research network and research agenda.

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Sholom Glouberman Speaking at HSN’s Summit on Seniors Healthcare

On Monday, June 3rd, Health Sciences North in Sudbury is holding a summit, Designing a More Seniors-Friendly Community. Patients’ Association President, Sholom Glouberman, will be giving a talk about the role that patients and their families can take in improving the system. Prior to the event, there will also be a Seniors Fair, featuring information booths about the various services available to seniors at Health Sciences North and in the community. Both events are free!

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Partners Advancing Transitions in Healthcare (PATH)

We’ve been working with Northumberland Hills Hospital, the Change Foundation, and other partners in Northumberland County on the PATH project. The project allows patients and caregivers to partner with providers across the community and system to co-design changes to improve healthcare transitions and experiences. Listen here to how the five project elements work to improve the patient experience.

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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC) Project

In collecting written patient narratives and hearing them during our Open Meetings, it became clear that there were parts of patients’ experience that could have been made better with a small adjustment to a process or by adding a training component. Thus, we developed the KPIs for PFCC project. Our goal is to create a list of KPIs that act as hard indicators that organizations can look at to see if they have certain patient and family-centred processes in place.

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CMAJ: Drug reporting to be Mandatory for Doctors

2013 Thinkstock

Catherine Cross -- The federal government is considering making adverse drug reaction reporting mandatory for doctors and other health care providers, says Health Canada.

Health Canada is concerned that adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are underreported. The Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology estimates that only 5% of suspected ADRs are reported... Every year, drug distributors submit a summary of all ADR reports to Health Canada, stating whether the reported ADRs change the drug's risk-to-benefit profile.

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