Ipsos Reid Checks into Canadian Views of Healthcare System

Ipsos Reid interviewed a sample of 1,000 Canadians aged 18-64 for the purpose of understanding perceptions and experiences with the healthcare system. Four categories were analyzed: Ease of Access and Patient Experience, Care and Compassion, Coordination and Communication, and Efficiency of Time and Money.

Here are of what we believe to be significant points:

  • Compared to five years ago, British Columbians indicate a lack of improvement in patient experience across the board, e.g., better info shared, better level of care, more sensitive to needs
  • Ontario is ranked as the most improved healthcare system over the past five years for easy of access and patient experience
  • Regarding access, there exists signifcant disparty across the provinces/regions in perceptions that the healthcare system has momentum toward improvement
  • Public perception of value in healthcare is growing in importance, though not overshadowing the importance of access or quality of care

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