Christina Spencer's blog

Considering When It Might Be Best Not to Know About Cancer: New York Times

November 1, 2011 - After decades in which cancer screening was promoted as an unmitigated good, as the best — perhaps only — way for people to protect themselves from the ravages of a frightening disease, a pronounced shift is under way. Studies suggesting that screening tests like mammograms should be used less do not always find receptive audiences.

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Nominate a Patient Representative!

October 21, 2011 - The College of Family Physicians of Canada, the Canadian Association of Provincial Cancer Agencies (CAPCA) and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer are collaborating to develop an action plan to systematically improve the transition of care between the cancer and primary care systems at the point at which a diagnosis of cancer has been confirmed. They are currently seeking nominations for a patient representative to contribute as a member of a Steering Committee.

Big pharmacy’s influence feared in Canada’s patient care guideline authors, says study:

October 13, 2011


Too many doctors and researchers who help create guidelines for patient care have financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry, according to a study that investigated conflict of interest among a group of major Canadian and U.S. health care organizations.

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How engaged are Canadians in their primary care?

October 11, 2011

On September 22nd, the Health Council of Canada released How Engaged are Canadians in their Primary Care? Results from the 2010 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey.

The report found that only 48% of Canadians feel involved in their own healthcare, and goes on to take a deeper look at the challenges and opportunities for patient engagement in Canada.

See the full report here.



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