Christina Spencer's blog

The Missing Voice of Patients in Drug-Safety Reporting: NEJM

Ethan Basch, M.D.

A patient wants to know about symptoms she may have from a prescription drug she is taking. Consulting the label’s “Adverse Reactions” section, she finds a wealth of data. Little does she realize that this information, largely collected during clinical trials, is based almost entirely on clinicians’ impressions of patients’ symptoms — not on patients’ own firsthand reports of their experiences with the drug.

NavigateThis! is a project of Youth4Health, a community-based research initiative led by Dr. Alex Jadad and Dr. Andrea Cortinois of the People, Health Equity, and Innovation (PHI) Group and Dr. Cameron Norman of the Youth Voices Research Group (YVRG). Youth4Health has been made possible through a grant from Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Check it out:

PAC Member Blog

It was recommended that we begin a blog on the PAC website. It could encompass observations about events and trends, and perhaps eventually answer questions and direct people to information. 

See below for the first entry from PAC member Lisa Newman: