
What’s the Best Way to Find a Family Doctor?

The Question

Three years ago my family doctor stopped practising medicine and made no effort to help me find a new physician. One potential new doctor refused me because I was over 60. Another said only new patients with chronic diseases were being accepted. A third interviewed me and she practises at a clinic halfway to Banff (I’m from Calgary) but she is all I could get. What is the best way to find a family doctor?

The Answer

Connected to the Hip Bone: The Walrus

I began running in the 1970s (“jogging,” we called it then), while touring the play Billy Bishop Goes to War, to counterbalance after-hours dissipation. I ran in London, Edinburgh, New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC. I ran in Denver, where there is hardly any oxygen. In Glasgow, I ran with increased speed past tenement yobs with razors in their boots. In Cologne, I ran for two hours, white with fatigue, searching for a street called Einbahnstrasse, which I later learned means “one-way street.” In Regina, I ran with a

The Wonder Drug that's no Drug at All: National Post

The practice is discouraged by major medical groups, considered unethical by many doctors and with uncertain benefit, but one in five Canadian physicians prescribes or hands out some kind of placebo to their often-unknowing patients, a new study suggests.

The seemingly widespread use of sugar pills and other inactive treatments identified by the survey highlights a mounting debate over the issue, with some experts arguing that placebos should be accepted as a legitimate -and side-effect-free -alternative to drugs.

Patient Commando’s debut Play hits Close to Home for Zal Press: National Post

When Zal Press was 29 years old, he went to the hospital with a pain in his gut that felt like he had “a cat trapped in [his] stomach trying to claw its way out.

“A doctor came up to me as I was lying in the hospital and he says to me, ‘Mr. Press, you have a serious illness. You have Crohn’s disease,’ ” Press recalls. “I couldn’t even spell Crohn’s, I had never heard of it. All I wanted was a pill so I could get on with my life.”