Journeys in Cancerland

Journeys in Cancerland offers two object lessons in patient participation. For a long time, patients barely participated in their own care. Once diagnosed with a disease like cancer, they would enter an all-consuming acute care system that took over their lives until they went into remission or died. That this is no longer the case is due, for the most part, to patients and caregivers like John-Peter Bradford and Lisa Newman who have begun to take charge of their care. Their stories are not merely instructive about cancer -- they are lessons in how to live with life threatening illness and how to face death.

John-Peter Bradford is CEO of Bradford Bachinski Limited and a member of the Cancer Care Advisory Committee of the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. Lisa Newman has over thirty years' experience in the Ontario healthcare system as a clinician, supervisor, and manager. Foreword by Sholom Glouberman, President of the Patients' Association of Canada.

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