The Change Foundation awards Northumberland Community Partnership $3-million Project to improve seniors’ healthcare Transitions

Groundbreaking approach holds promise for provincial game-change

The Change Foundation announces the Northumberland Community Partnership as the winner of its 3-million investment in a trail-blazing project: PATH – Partners Advancing Transitions in Healthcare (PATH): a first with Ontario patients. The Northumberland Community Partnership unites 12 health and social care organizations with patients and caregivers who will identify care transition problems across Central East Ontario and work with a full range of service providers to redesign care and improve experiences from 2012-14.

PATH is the centerpiece of The Change Foundation’s strategic plan, Hearing the story, changing the stories. The Foundation targeted seniors with chronic health conditions and their caregivers because they are frequent users of our system. Read the News Release and Background paper : Partners Advancing Transitions in Healthcare (PATH): Northumberland.