Your experience with health care is at the centre of everything we do. As an independent and pan-Canadian organization that champions a health care system that works for patients, we learn from your experience to identify, prioritize and share with decision-makers the front-line and system-level changes that matter to patients. Please share your experience and help us further practical and meaningful solutions to improve the patient experience, and to realize a truly patient-centred culture within health care. Share multiple stories by returning to the form after you have submitted!
Protecting your Privacy
By sharing a story with Patients Canada, you are doing so with a view that your story will be made available in the public domain on the Patients Canada's website. Please note that it is our policy to anonymize all stories so to protect the persons and institutions involved. We edit for grammar and clarity only, and we will not compromise the integrity of the story. We reserve the right to choose to not publish a submitted story, and express consent is required to publish a story.