SARNIA, ON, September 21, 2011 – For the first time ever, patients in Sarnia-Lambton have nominated their physicians for a Patients’ Choice Award. The Patients’ Association of Canada and the Ontario Medical Association announced the winners of the Patients’ Choice Awards at a reception today.
Sponsored by Bluewater Health, the Ontario Medical Association and the Patients’ Association of Canada (PAC), the Patients’ Choice Awards is the first initiative of its kind in Canada where patients can nominate physicians. The awards were open to all family physicians and specialists in Sarnia-Lambton. Patients were asked to nominate their physician who demonstrated a commitment to providing an excellent experience for patients. The PAC nomination committee then decided on the winners.
The Patients’ Choice Award Winners are: Dr. Cynthia Arnold and Dr. Glen Maddison. Dr. Arnold has practised medicine for 25 years. She studied medicine at the University of Western Ontario and completed a three-year graduate program in family medicine and emergency medicine. Recently Dr. Arnold began working with the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers which strives to prevent occupational illnesses and injury, and to promote the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of all workers.
The patient who nominated Dr. Arnold said, “I can remember her being so concerned about me, she phoned me at home at night because she couldn't sleep. Because of that call, I went to the hospital and had emergency surgery.â€
For many years, Dr. Maddison worked in the Canadian Forces under several designations, later pursuing work in palliative care in Sarnia-Lambton. He is currently the medical director for St. Joseph’s Hospice.
One of the patients who nominated Dr. Maddison said, “After watching my dad suffer for almost two years as his organs slowly shut down, we reached a point in which my dad lost all muscle control and motor skills. We were truly devastated not knowing how we could possibly honour our promise to keep him at home... Dr. Maddison arrived at our home within 15 minutes of the time he was called. Not only did Dr. Maddison exercise exceptional care and concern for my father's well being (physically, mentally and emotionally), he also extended exceptional compassion and support to my mother and I.â€
Both physicians attended the awards ceremony and thanked their patients for the nomination.
"There is too little public awareness of good instances of the care that patients receive from their physicians and we want physicians to know that we appreciate their hard work. This award is a way for patients to honour their physicians who have provided excellent care by looking beyond treatment and focussing on the well-being of their patient."
Sholom Glouberman, President of the Patients’ Association of Canada
"On behalf of Ontario's doctors, I want to congratulate Drs. Arnold and Maddison for being chosen to receive these awards. The Patients’ Choice Award is a true testament to the care and attention each of these physicians provides to their patients every day."
Dr. Mark MacLeod, Past-President of the Ontario Medical Association
“Bluewater Health is very pleased to partner with the Patients’ Association of Canada and the OMA to bring the Patients’ Choice Awards to Sarnia-Lambton. Physicians dedicate their lives to caring for people when they are most in need. It is a true honour for a physician to be recognized by a patient as providing exceptional care. Congratulations to Drs. Arnold and Maddison.â€
Dr. Michel Haddad, Acting Chief of Professional Staff, Bluewater Health
The Patients’ Association of Canada is a patient led and patient governed organization working to promote, develop, and enhance the role and influence of the patient and the patient perspective in health care. Visit www.patientsassociation.ca for more information.The Patients' Choice Award is a patient-led celebration of the value added to the patient experience.
Bluewater Health, with locations in Sarnia and Petrolia, is a 326-bed community hospital that cares for the residents of Sarnia-Lambton. With close to 2,500 staff, Professional Staff and volunteers, Bluewater Health provides an array of specialized acute, complex continuing care, allied health and ambulatory care services. State-of-the-art facilities, which opened in 2010, contribute to Bluewater Health’s Mission: We create exemplary healthcare experiences for patients and families every time. For more information about Bluewater Health, visit www.bluewaterhealth.ca.
The Ontario Medical Association (OMA) represents over 34,000 physicians, residents and medical students across the province. Ontario’s doctors work closely with patients to encourage healthy living practices and illness prevention. In addition to delivering front-line services to patients, Ontario’s doctors play a significant role in helping shape health care policy, as well as implementing initiatives that strengthen and enhance Ontario’s health care system.
Find a downloadable version of the press release in the Press Room.