PAC Member Meeting

Thursday, June 2, 2011 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Notes from the meeting:

1. Sholom introduces PAC and explains its genesis to new members

2. patients must be involved in all three levels of care: clinical, service, governance

Examples of interventions at all three levels:

  • Patients' Choice Awards
  • User-Guide
  • Handwashing Initiative

3. Handwashing: Although there are many examples of handwashing promotion, they often don't engage the patient. PAC will target everyone to decrease unncessary infections in health care facilities. 'We'll change the audience'

4. Baycrest Project: We're in talks with Baycrest Geriatric Hospital to re-design the process of moving in to assist patients during their time of major transition. The talks have begun but they are still in early stages.

5. Trillium Grant: The grant proposal has been submitted and we're waiting for a response. Premise of proposal: To support patients on boards who want to assume the patient perspective. With funding, we will provide support, de-briefing and 'board training', provide a collection of resources, and more. More information to come.

6. Question: Where does PAC stand on future elections? Sholom will write a short blog describing PAC's position on this in the near future.

7. Volunteering: How do you want to contribute? Email us!

8. As an NGO, we have to be careful to remain an educational tool, not one for advocacy. Non-Smokers' Rights Association is a successful example of an organization with two separate functions (education and advocacy).