Meet our Board of Directors: Seth Rudin

My name is Seth Rudin and I am a member of the Board of Directors of the Patients' Association of Canada. In addition to representing the Association in a number of forums, including on the Stakeholder Committee of the Canadian Primary Health Care Research and Innovation Network, I am the Co-Chair of the Association's fundraising committee.

While I would not describe myself as a 'fundraiser', I agreed to step into this role based on the critical importance of this position at this juncture of the Association's young existence. For me, the Patients' Association of Canada plays a valuable role in Canada's ongoing health care discussion. We need to ensure the patient's voice is not only heard at the table but is ingrained in the minds of all participants involved in the development, implementation and administration of one of our country's remarkable achievements. The Patients' Association of Canada is an important vehicle to ensure our voice is acted upon.

I decided to get involved in the Patients' Association of Canada based on my personal experience. While I am proud of the services that my family and I received when we have required care, I felt that we can still do better. I want to assist in making sure that everyone who requires care receives it in the best manner possible. To me, participation in the Patients' Association of Canada is vital as we seek to accomplish this goal.

I believe that if we work together we will accomplish a great deal for our county in the delivery of health services. The best part is that we will all be stronger and healthier for it.

In my role as a Director, I am reaching out to as many people as I can to inform them of the important role our Association plays. Many of the organizations I approach are willing to help in any way they can. For example, my friends at the Benjamin Foundation have agreed to place a link to our web site in the Community Partner section of their website.

In addition, when I speak to people, I am encouraging them to join the Association and when possible provide a donation. If you are reading this, I would ask you to consider doing the same. Any amount will help to assist in achieving our objectives. If you are interested, you can donate here.

The Patients' Association of Canada is making a significant difference in the lives of all Canadians. I am proud to do my part. Please consider doing yours.


Seth Rudin lives and works in Toronto, Ontario. He is Vice President of, a leading provider of evidence-based order set content and technology to over 240 healthcare organizations across Canada. He has worked extensively in healthcare, technology and government, building profitable businesses and providing industry leaders with guidance and assistance in achieving their objectives.