
The Conceptual Domain of SMARTRISK: The Intersection of Risk Management, Injury Prevention, and Safety


At a theoretical level, advances in mathematics, physics and other disciplines have led to developments in probability theory, statistical analysis and chaos theory. Risk perception has changed. These innovations have had profound implications on how risk in general is understood and measured. At a more practical level, SMARTRISK's area of interest, its logical domain so to speak, is at the intersection of risk management, injury prevention and safety.

The King's Garden: Book Review of Health Care Practitioners: An Ontario Case Study in Policy Making

The King’s Healers
Health Care Practitioners: An Ontario Case Study in Policy Making
by Patricia O’Reilly

This book begins with a lengthy account of the methodology it uses to tell the story of the Ontario Regulated Health Professionals Act of 1991. It presents a clever intellectual framework for organizing the material and describes representations from the many professional, semi-professional and non-professional groups involved in health care delivery. It explains the assessment of their submissions by a special panel that made recommendations for the new act and assesses the impact of these changes.

Book Review of Do We Care? Renewing Canada's Commitment to Health

Do We Care? Renewing Canada’s Commitment to Health
edited by Margaret Somerville.
McGill-Queens 1999.

Who Cares? Do managers Care? Do Doctors Care? Do Nurses Care? Do Canadians Care?

This book is a record of the first "Directions for Canadian Health Care Conference" sponsored by Merck Frosst. It provides some new perspectives on the problems we are facing in our Canadian health care system. Over the last fifteen years we have gone from the almost smug belief that our health care system was among the best in the world, to the fear that it would not be there should we need it. It was heartening to see so many very clever people who are thinking very hard about what has gone wrong with medicare and trying to find some answers. Most of the pieces were innovative and interesting and provided insights into problems that have been plaguing the Canadian health care system in the last decade of the last millenium - problems which continue to this very day.

Towards a New Perspective on Health Policy: Final Report

Towards a New Perspective on Health Policy delves into the concept of health, the nature of policy development, the organization of health services, and the challenges posed by inequalities in health status. It offers new perspectives on the complex issues surrounding the health field. This document will help policy advisors in all sectors to situate today's seemingly intractable problems in their complex historical, socio-political, and scientific context, and to begin to resolve them. 2001.

Hard copies of Towards a New Perspective on Health Policy are available from

An Analysis of Blockage to the Effective Transfer of Clients from Acute Care to Home Care

A report prepared for the Health Transition Fund, Health Canada, January 2001.

This study, An Analysis of Blockage to the Effective Transfer of Clients from Acute Care to Home Care, was designed to identify blockages to systems efficiencies and some of the issues decision makers may need to address if they choose to implement programs to increase the costeffectiveness of continuing care services.