Sholom Glouberman Tweets

PAC President, Sholom Glouberman will be speaking and tweeting tomorrow at the Communities Supporting Communities event at the Toronto Congress Centre.

This event has been designed to provide an in-depth look at the future of healthcare, how technology can enable the business transformation the healthcare community is leading and how partnership with the IT community can propel progress forward. The following speakers will provide their expertise and experiences and participate in the day’s conversations:

Hon. Elinor Caplan | Former Minister of Health |Canada Strategies Inc
Benoit Long | Chief Technology Officer | Government of Canada |Former CIO | Trillium Health
Andrew Hussain | Regional Chief Information Officer and eHealth Lead | Mississauga Halton and Central West Local Health Integration Networks
Caroline Brereton | CEO | Mississauga Halton CCAC
Dr. Sholom Glouberman | Patients' Association of Canada
Brian Aebig | Vice President & General Manager | Avnet Technology Solutions
Matthew Norton | Facilitator | nD Insight

Check it out here between 9-5pm Thursday September 23rd.