Other Projects

Performance Indicators for Primary Care: We have been invited by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) to participate in the development of performance indicators that will be used to measure how well primary care is being delivered in Ontario. We had the first working session on Nov 21st with more to come.

eHealth Projects: Healthcare software and technology are playing an increasingly prominent role in a Canadian medical system which meets the needs of today's patients. The Patients' Association has recently started to explore how to bring the patient perspective to e-health design. Your experience counts and your insights could potentially shape the design of healthcare applications which improve the lives of other patients. In the next few months we will be contacting members to find out if you would like to be involved in giving input to some of the projects we are working on.

In the meantime, you can email communications@patientsassociation.ca for more information. And also check out iamsick.ca and fliifitness – just two of the organizations we are starting to get involved with.

We’re growing! Our board and its committees have matured in the last year to become a much more active and viable force in enhancing our presence, bringing our perspective to health care, and engaging more people in our work. Great thanks are due to them and their efforts on behalf of the Patients’ Association.