It'll only Take a Minute... Non-Allopathic Therapies in Medical Practice

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) is inviting feedback from the profession, the public and other stakeholders on its revised Non-Allopathic (Non-Conventional) Therapies in Medical Practice draft policy.

All of the feedback received will be reviewed by the Working Group, the College’s Executive Committee and Council before making any decisions about what is included in the final version of the policy. Deadline to provide comment is September 1, 2011.

Find all the necessary information here.

<p>The College’s Complementary Medicine policy is currently under review in accordance with our regular policy review process. The policy was originally developed in the mid‐1990s, and articulated broad statements of expectation for the profession related to three core components: assessing patients, treating patients, and advancing knowledge.</p>