Saturday, November 6 – Sunday, November 7, 2010, Bond Place Hotel, Toronto
Health Action Assembly: Updates on key issues including hospital cuts and restructuring, protecting rural access to care, long term care funding/inspections/regulations changes, retirement homes, homecare, primary health care, P3s and privatization. Participate in strategy-setting session. This year will lead into the provincial election, so it is particularly important.
Conference on Health Funding and Sustainability: The newswaves reverberate with repeated stories about out-of-control health costs. Cuts, endless restructuring and delisting are justified using the funding crisis. But a closer look at the numbers shows a different story. It is time that those who want to protect our local public health care services fight back. This conference will provide the information and we will set a strategy to topple the myth of health care unsustainability.
September Cross-Province High-Level Briefing and Summit on Changes to Hospital Funding We will provide a briefing from experts in the U.K. and an update regarding plans of the Ontario government. What do the changes to fee-for-service hospital funding mean? What can we do about it?
Register here.