Enhancing the Patient Voice in Ontario’s Health Care Boards

Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Patients’ Association of Canada is moving forward with our biggest project to date: Enhancing the Patient Voice in Ontario’s Health Care Boards, a collaboration of board members and PAC volunteers.

We are seeking both current board members from healthcare institutions and volunteers with particular knowledge of healthcare/governance to develop the collaborative. Board members and PAC volunteers will share experience and knowledge via web-based and in-person discussions. Together we will develop an action plan for strengthening the patient perspective in board deliberations.

PAC is also sharing resources on effective governance and the patient perspective through a web-based resource library and an information line. Read more in the downloadable pamphlet below.

To contribute or obtain further information, contact Jennifer Carroll at jennifer.carroll@patientsassociation.ca or (416) 785-2500 ext. 3506.

PDF icon pactrilliumprojectpamphlet.pdf886.99 KB