Membership Updates's blog

2nd Annual Conference

PAC’s second conference on Patient Participation in Guiding our Health Care System is fast approaching!

Join patients, health professionals, managers, and policy makers at the Toronto Reference Library on May 29, 2012 for this event that will model new ways to conduct a public dialogue about health care. Space is limited to 100 participants so sign up quickly. You can register online here.

Website Redesign

After much thought, we have decided to redesign PAC’s website and your feedback is crucial to the process. We have designed a short survey to evaluate your experience with PAC’s website and your participation would be greatly appreciated. Take the survey now!

Given that we have a range of users with different backgrounds we want to create a website suitable for everyone. If you’re interested in becoming more involved, please contact us.

NEW: Sholom’s Blog

Be sure to check out the Patients’ Association of Canada blog to see new entries by Sholom Glouberman, President of PAC.

Some of the most recent posts include:

1. Canadian Institute for Health Information’s release of Health Care in Canada, 2011: A Focus on Seniors and Aging. Sholom highlights key figures cited in the report, and discusses how greater patient engagement in our health care system can help to overcome current and imminent challenges.

Redesigning Services with Patients and Families

Patient services in health care organizations are for the most part developed with patients in mind, but with very little patient participation. In order to incorporate the patient point of view into service design and delivery, we’ve started to work with Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care to redesign specific services with family and patient participation. We are beginning with the “Day of Moving In.”